Saturday, December 12, 2009

Bucktooth Rabbit - How Being Teased Hurts


Sandra Mason &

We are very excited to introduce a new author and her first children's storybook. Sandra Mason was born and raised a few miles outside New Glasgow, Nova Scotia as the youngest of sixteen children. Her interest in art began at a very young age with sketching, mostly animals. At the age of sixteen she took oil painting lessons from a local artist named Danny Munro. In her thirties she tried watercolor instructed by another local artist, Lyn Sue Wice. Sandra fell in love with watercolor and over the years developed her own style of painting with this medium. At the age of forty two she decided to enroll at The Nova Scotia Community College to study Digital Animation, graduating in 2006. The next three years Sandra worked passionately to create Bucktooth Rabbit and his many friends. This is the first publication in a series of stories about Bucktooth dealing with social issues important to children and their families.
To order your copy of Bucktooth Rabbit - How Being Teased Hurts, starting the week of December 14, 2009 click on this blog entry title above to go to the Shopping Cart for EYECAN CREATIONS Publications.

Watch for the arrival of Sandra's second book in the coming new year:

Bucktooth Rabbit - Small But Mighty

We hope that after you have read Sandra's books that you will return here to share a comment with us and our readers.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Supporting a Senior

Are you supporting a senior family member or friend? Comment and share with readers what you do to help them with planning and eating healthy meals.

Perhaps you help them with grocery shopping to make sure they have a good choice of healthy foods to prepare and eat.

You can't be there at mealtime and you often wonder if they are eating well or at all.

When it is time to shop you find that much of the food you bought last week is still there.

Maybe they are forgetting to prepare meals or can't think of what to prepare.

An Eater's Choice Daily Meal Planner would help them to sit down each day to plan meals. It helps to focus by writing the plan down and then they are more apt to remember. When meal time comes around they already have a plan to follow.

The meal planner can also be a great help in planning how many servings of food groups are needed when shopping for the week. A list of foods might encourage a wider variety of choice and a weekly planner can become a grocery list. Both can be found at Give it a try! Click on the title above to order today!

Friday, October 2, 2009

A Family Planning Meals Together

I was very pleased this week to get some feedback from a family who has been planning meals together for this past month using Eater's Choice Daily Meal Planners. Here is what mom has to say,

"I purchased three planners so my two younger girls and I could have some fun while learning to eat well. It has taught us that we don't actually eat enough! It's a fun way to start the day before they're off to school and to plan what to have for school lunch."

They are enjoying planning healthy meals and have the opportunity to learn as well! I am hoping we will hear from other families using Eater's Choice Daily Meal Planners, telling us about their experiences.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Overweight Kids

What do you do to help your overweight child to be in control of healthier eating habits. Just a few suggestions:

1) consult your doctor for support

2) be POSITIVE as you support you child in a challenging venture

3) engage in family planning meals together; parents can set an example and everyone can be involved in meal planning; ownership is important

4) try other ways to help your child maintain positive self esteem

5) maybe include your child's friend who may be overweight who might also be interested in a healthy plan

Now you need a plan. Have a look at Eater's Choice Daily Meal Planners for everyone in your family. Then make it a routine family activity to plan healthy meals together. Everyone is supportive and it goes without saying that everyone can win!
Good luck, let us know how it works out for your family.

Are you in Control?

The main purpose for eating is to maintain good health and have the energy we need to have an active lifestyle. That sounds so simple but it is far from simple for many people. So many factors affect how well we eat; knowledge, finances and time are probably key factors in determining how healthy our diet will be. Perhaps we should include one's ability and desire to prepare food too!

Are you in control of your eating?
Those of us who enjoy eating have to be in control!
Those of us who eat because we are hungry have to be in control!
Those of us who don't eat enough have to be in control!
Those of us who eat too much have to be in control!

There is a National Food Guide to help us make wise choices when planning meals and buying food. We have Canada's Food Guide and our American neighbours have a very similar Food Guide Pyramid.

It definately takes time to plan meals, purchase groceries and prepare meals! The Eater's Choice Daily Meal Planners help you with this time factor and ensure that you have a plan that encourages healthy eating. It is based on Canada's Food Guide, so offers in 8 different packages based on age, a planner that guides you to be in control and plan healthy meals.

By going to you can access:
1) a suggested food list, to help you make a wider variety of choices
2) a weekly planning sheet, would could become your grocery list

By using the Eater's Choice Daily Meal Planners you will be better able to
1) control calorie consumption, to ensure more or less as needed
2) control food costs to what you plan as necessary for a healthy diet
3) control food wastage by buying only what you need and following the plan!

The package includes a copy of Canada's Food Guide which explains healthy food choices and serving sizes; the knowledge we need to have a good plan! This is a plan that will help us be in control of a healthy diet; to allow us to gain, maintain or lose weight as desired.

Planners are available for 8 age groups from age 4 to 51+ . They do require that one have skills to read and write or have assistance to do so. For those who can not read and write the same goals can be attained using The Eating Game

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Dad Bought Meal Planners for Everyone

September 20th was my last day at The Pictou Weekend Market and it was a very good day! I always meet very interesting people at the market and this day was no exception. Today I was to meet a dad with 2 adult sons at home, both with disabilities and both with eating issues. One sometimes didn't eat enough, at least not a variety of healthy foods and the other son ate too much, too frequently between meals.

This dad wanted to know about The Eating Game and The Eater's Choice Daily Meal Planners. The Eating Game caught his eye because one son is autistic, but perhaps too old for this. The Eater's Choice Daily Meal Planners would be a good thing for both boys, one would maybe choose a wider variety of foods and the second would perhaps be able to restrict eating to the identified 6 meals.

Before he left my booth, he had also purchased a planner for himself and his wife. He thought it would be a good family activity to plan healthy meals together. Of course I agreed wholeheartedly that this sounded like a great idea!

Now we have 8 different Eater's Choice Meal Planners for ages 4 to 51+, so the resources are available for any family to decide to make meal planning a whole family activity. Work out a way to do this that suits your family and empower everyone with the tools to plan healthy meals every day!

Come back to this site and let us all know how you do this in your family and how it works out! Periodically we will have a draw from those who send in a comment with an email address. The prize will be a choice of 4 meal planners that you might give as a gift to a family you care about. Would make a nice gift for this December!

Don't forget to go to to get a list of foods a weekly planning sheet you can print for your own use!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

A Healthy Fundraising Idea!

Planning on doing some serious fundraising? Think about purchasing Eater's Choice Daily Meal Planners at a wholesale price.

Your organization will be raising funds and supporting healthy meal planning which is a concern today for everyone, a large target market for sure:
seniors needing support
adults in supported living programs
families planning meals together
those supporting an overweight child
those supporting an overweight teen
an adult concerned with weight control
Click on the title above to contact us at for more information.

The Eating Game Story

The Eating Game was invented in March 2007 (patents pending in Canada & USA) for Ethan who was 6 years old and is autistic. At the time he was happiest eating just hot dogs and rice! He was very excited the first day he used The Eating Game because had hot dogs and rice for breakfast! - a story I like to tell to illustrate that a key feature of The Eating Game is that the child is in control of the choices! They like that!

The user needs to have only 2 skills:(NOTE: verbal or literacy skills not needed)

• be able to make a choice
• be able to match 4 colors (blue, yellow, green and red)

There are over 200 food pictures in four different food groups and colors: (1 inch pictures, 5 mil laminated card stock with a hook & loop button)

• Milk & Alternatives* - Blue
• Grains* - Yellow
• Fruit & Vegetables - Green
• Meat & Alternatives - Red

* pictures will support alternative choices made by those on CFGF diets or any other dietary restrictions

There are planning charts for each of the age groups in Canada's Food Guide: five are included in the book (2-3, 4-8, 9-13, females 14-18, males 14-18) but there are also 4 more that are available if needed(females 19-50 & 51+, males 19-5 & 51+). It is being used in some group homes and by folks in assisted living programs. The charts are also 5 mil laminated card stock with hook & loop buttons to accept the food pictures. There are storage pages to put the pictures on that the parent chooses to present to the child.

Initially the parent chooses the food pictures to present based on:

• foods the child can eat (special dietary considerations)
• foods the child has eaten in their lifetime
• foods available at the time
• foods the parent chooses!

Once the pictures are presented for the child's choice, it has to be totally their choice. They must choose pictures to match the colored squares on their planning chart. Once they have done this they have chosen to eat the foods recommended by Canada's Food Guide** for their age group. They can later be exchanged but the new choice must be the same color.
NOTE: The choice Ethan made of hot dogs & rice for breakfast only happened once, because then he realized he couldn't have it for lunch or supper! However, he was pretty excited to be able to make that choice which also convinced him he was in control!

** There are some pictures that Canada's Food Guide might not recommend, like chocolate cake with the "grains pics" but I felt they needed to be included. The reality is that these foods will be eaten and perhaps not all that bad a choice when made in moderation (and the parent is really in control of what is presented!) If a child who is a poor eater can start eating most of what Canada's Food Guide recommends then maybe they deserve a treat too!The cake or other choice could also be used as a reinforcer to enhance motivation!

Ethan was eating over 200 new foods in 15 months and he still (after 29 months) uses The Eating Game although is eating almost everything! Being able to make the choices and being in control is important. This makes mealtime very predictable and the visual supports are a great communication tool! Meals are no longer a surprise - pretty significant for a lot of kids with ASD!

NOTE: The Eating Game now has Patent Rights ~ US Patent #8,333,593 B2
          and Canadian Patent # 2,612,218   

Friday, August 21, 2009

Why Will He Only Eat a Few Foods?

Do you have a child who wants to only eat a few select foods? Can you share in a comment below what you do that helps your child? Maybe it will help another child too.

Many kids with autism, perhaps up to 75%, have issues related to eating. Like children who do not have autism there may be physical/medical reasons or there may be sensory issues(texture, taste, color, temperature, shape) or food allergies. These concerns are real and must be dealt with so as to ensure your child has a reasonably healthy diet.

I believe there is another issue for kids with ASD, and perhaps others. Typically children on the autism spectrum don't like surprises. They are able to manage and respond more positively in a predictable environment, where they know what to expect, what's coming next. Why would this be any different when it comes to eating/meals? Aren't meals very often a surprise, until we sit down to eat and what might your child do if the meal is not what they thought it would be? And would you know what they thought it would be? You probably would know if they will only eat a limited number of foods and that is what you always present to them. What they have done is created a predictable environment for themselves so they always know what they will be eating! Aren't they smart! And when they get tired of this group of foods they switch it up a bit for another undetermined period of time.

As a parent you are very concerned when your child will only eat a few foods and you will often try new foods but.................. in the end you never run out of their desired foods and you provide it on demand often because you are concerned about how little they eat! You are supporting and reinforcing their plan!And they know it and like it.

These observations led me to develop a program that would help kids make a wider variety of food choices, their choice. They would still be in control. They would use pictures, chosen and placed on a chart for 6 meals in a day. Now they have a very predictable meal plan for themselves and everyone else to know what they will be eating. It has created a structure that can become part of their daily routine. They can do this if they are not verbal too. They don't have to be able to read, write or speak. The only skills needed are to be able to make a choice and match 4 colors. Oh, and it is equally successful with children who are verbal, read and write and for children who are not autistic. It is The Eating Game!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

A Story About a Dad and His Son

I just read an amazing article. A beautiful, honest story about a father and his son who is autistic. What drew me to this article was the writer's statement that he felt everyone would benefit from having an autistic child in their family. I would extend that, for those without a family, to say that we would all benefit from having a relationship with a child, and adult too, who is on the autism spectrum.

My 25 years of relationships with persons with ASD brings me to concur with the author about all persons with autism being unique but sharing similarities in difficulties with communication and social skills. For me communication is the key issue. I would add to that a healthy diet.

I appreciated the author's feelings re "cure"and "regret" as related parenting a child with autism. Not the usual answers of "I wish he wasn't autistic" or "I wouldn't change a thing".

Take a few minutes and read the article by by clicking on the title of this blog.

Monday, August 17, 2009

It Can Be a Family Plan Too!

As many of you know I have been at The Pictou Weekend Market all summer and we will still be there until September 20th, every Saturday and Sunday from 10 am to 5 pm!

I have met so many nice people while at the market, I share my stories and they share theirs! We have shared stories about children & grandchildren with autism/aspergers; picky eaters and their endeavors to get all their children to eat healthy.

Early in the summer a family bought an Eating Game for their 3 girls to use together - a family plan! The girls plan together what they will eat the next day choosing from the choices mom and dad present! And they remind mom and dad when it is time to plan too!

Mom stopped by the market to tell me that it is working very well! She says the girls are all sitting down to enjoy the whole meal they planned.

Don't we all like to be in control in our lives? Children are no exception and they are constantly looking for ways to be in control right! How powerful The Eating Game can be .........Mom & Dad pick the foods to choose from, then the child(children) is in control. The real plus of course beyond the 'control' issue is that they are making healthy choices, establishing healthy eating habits, we hope for life!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Plan Healthy Meals

COMMENT below with a contact email address, tell me about a special project you are doing with a group of teens and I may be able to give you a special price on an order!

The Eater's Choice Daily Meal Planner is an affordable and easy to use product to help anyone plan healthy meals every day! For just $10 you will get a planner for your age group( based on Canada's Food Guide recommendations), a copy of Canada's Food Guide and a dry erasable pen. This planner is reusable, to be used every day!

There is not much we can buy for $10 and it could be the beginning of a lifetime of healthy eating - a healthier you! Maybe you can think of lots of folks you would like to wish "Be Healthy". This would make a great gift for anyone in the following age groups:(separate planner for each age group)

- 4 to 8 years (those who are reading and printing)
- 9 to 13 years
- Females 14 to 18 years
- Males 14 to 18 years
- Females 19 - 50 years
- Males 19 tp 50 years
- Females 51+ years
- Males 51+ years

Think of all the occasions to give this planner as a gift!Would make a great stocking stuffer for anyone and everyone! It would be great to give one to each member of the family so all could plan meals together.

What a great teaching tool for children, learning young for a lifetime! For children with disabilities who would need a plan with pictures to place on a chart there is a product for them too called The Eating Game. Many children, now internationally, are eating healthier planning healthy meals themselves every day! They are having fun doing it too! In some families the children are using The Eating Game together - imagine they are working cooperatively planning healthy meals! A great family gift from mom & dad, grandparents, godparents, friends, aunts & uncles!

NOTE: for info re The Eating Game go to
(link at top right of this page)

Supporting an Overweight Teenager

Being a teenager can be a stressful time for some. Being a teenager who is overweight would no doubt be stressful for many. As with anything else that presents challenges, it is good to identify the cause if we can. If there is an identifyable physical/medical reason for being overweight it needs to be addressed. Having ruled out or dealt with any significant physical/medical reason then it is likely due to past and/or existing eating habits, perhaps along with lack of exercise. Dealing with exercise or lack of exercise can be an issue on its own and may well be related to physical limitations. I am not able to address these concerns but there is no shortage of professionals who can!
With dietary concerns there are basically 2 issues to be addressed: 1) what foods are being eaten and 2) what quantities of foods are being eaten. So the questions are " Are we eating healthy foods and what are they?", "What are our typical serving sizes and what should they be?" . A very good resource to use as a starting point to plan a healthier diet would be Canada's Food Guide (or the USDA Food Guide Pyramid). Canada's Food Guide recommends the number of servings of the four food groups for different age groups and discusses what a serving size is. Of course eating too much healthy food is going to mean consuming too many calories and they do count!
The Eater's Choice Daily Meal Planner for 9 to 13 year olds or females 14 to 18 years and males 14 to 18 years will help teach how many servings of each food group should be eaten. The enclosed Canada's Food Guide will help with understanding what a good serving size would be. This meal planner will not say what foods should be eaten. That is up to the individual planner. The hope was that at least initially the planner would choose foods they like and later add a variety of new foods. A food list and a weekly planning sheet can be found and printed at on the 'resources' page.
The meal planner is designed in a dry erasable format that can be reused every day. It provides colored spaces to write down the foods to be eaten for the day, in a six meal format. The colors correspond to the four food groups: fruit & vegetables, milk & alternatives, grains and meat & alternatives.
The design of The Eater's Choice Daily Meal Planner is meant to support the user and put them in control of the food choices and healthy weight management. In the long term it will help establish good eating habits, hopefully for a lifetime! For those who are overweight it will surely lead to a healthy a healthy weight loss too!

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Why Social Stories?

If you have a child on the Autism Spectrum you have likely heard of social stories. If not, then I would urge you to do so. We all, at some time, struggle in our efforts to help our children with ASD to understand, manage and interact with others in social situations.
Although every person with ASD is unique they certainly all, to some degree, have challenges with communication and social skills, which of course so very interrelated themselves!
When we use verbal communication to teach/explain anything we are often confronted by the difficulties the learner has with processing language; further complicated by the fact that we seldom say it the same way twice. And how often does it involve several different ‘teachers’? (mom, dad, siblings, grandparents, caregivers, therapists, teachers, educational assistants etc) This could be two (or many more) different messages for someone with ASD. We also know how much repetition might be needed before a new concept might be well understood. If we use a social story then the message will always be the same. The words don’t change and it doesn’t matter who is reading the story, the message is the same. Of course the person with ASD may themselves be reading the story – the message is always the same!
How often have you said, "Why does he not understand, we have all told him over and over, so many times?" How many "different" messages might this have been? How frustrating would that be for someone with a communication disability?
I say ‘the person with ASD’ as opposed to ‘the child with ASD’ because many adolescents and adults benefit from using this strategy. The format or presentation may change. For a young child you may use pictures (photos, drawings, graphics) with just a few words. This can be adapted as needed. For many, just words will be the most appropriate format. The size can vary from pages in a 3 ring binder to ‘business card’ size. A collection of ‘stories’ can be kept in a small business card holder for quick reference! They can be done on the computer, burned on a CD or DVD; recorded on a video tape; recorded on an audio tape for use by a person who is visually impaired; written in Braille; done in a talking photo album. The possibilities for format and presentation are endless.
For guidance on how to write the stories and how to present them I would suggest you search for information on Social Stories by Carol Gray. From my own experience, having written hundreds for the past 14 years I would make a few suggestions:
• Use only as much language as is necessary and be POSITIVE
• Use language you know will be understood; write for the user!
• Involve the user and/or other caregivers if appropriate
• Make sure everyone understands why and how it will be used
• Read the story several times a day if possible
• Read until no longer needed, then store for future reference!
Just recently, a young adult with ASD was asking me questions about how to handle an awkward social situation. As we talked we decided to write a social story (on the back of a business card). She then decided to write it down for the other person involved who was also challenged by the situation.
A social story is perhaps the most powerful teaching strategy I have ever used! I was a special education teacher and autism consultant for 22 years; retired seven years and still writing them!

Monday, July 6, 2009

NEW ! Eater's Choice for Children

In response to requests, we have created Eater's Choice Daily Meal Planners for Children. We will now add two more packages to this line of products: Children ages 4 - 8 years and Children ages 9 - 13 years.

Many children with autism respond very positively to visual supports and as Temple Grandin has explained so well, many think in pictures! So The Eating Game is a solution that will support these children in developing much healthier eating habits.

Now, for many children with autism (and those without autism of all ages!) visual supports can be needed and valuable but can be written words rather than pictures. So now the Eater`s Choice line of products will be an excellent tool for them to improve their eating habits!

It is always helpful when developing new products to get feedback from others - Thanks to those of you who contact us with comments and or requests. We also appreciate any testimonials that come our way and of course a picture to support your words would be great too! Let`s us know how we are doing.

Is Autism a Disease or a Disorder?

Many of us who have been supporting persons with autism don't think it is a 'disease' we can cure. It is a 'disorder' that is adversely affected by things that can be cured: such as food allergies with a gfcf diet or hypersensitive hearing with a hearing aid that blocks most noise or acceptable strategies to deal with sensory overload such as using an exercise machine instead of flapping and spinning. Many of these 'symptoms' of underlying disorders/diseases can be treated and cured. Certainly if we can cure underlying illnesses it will be easier to teach needed communication and social skills to those who truly have Autism Spectrum Disorder.
If you couldn't communicate what you needed or wanted you would become very frustrated too. Maybe you might not even be able to figure out what the need is to start with because you are not understanding what is happening in the world around you, if you are even noticing it. Eventually you will communicate something, only it may not be in a very acceptable manner, thus a misbehavior! OOPs, that was a long way to describe some persons with autism!
Maybe it does not take 'rocket science' but we might have to be very creative in our efforts to find ways to help manage the disorder.
Often it takes many years of intensive therapy and we have found several effective ways to do that. However, the cost is often very prohibitive; one that often only the wealthy can afford. Also therapies may not be "one size fits all" so 1 year of 1 specific therapy may not be what is needed for all on the spectrum.
We do need trained therapists for sure, but they also need to be able to think outside the box too and have other training/knowledge/experience that will assist them in developing a program that meets the needs of this little person and their family. There is an assumption here on my part that we are providing therapy to a young child while teaching & supporting parents/caregivers the skills they need to deal 24/7! This is called EARLY INTERVENTION. So early in fact that it is done in the home because the child is not going to school yet. If we do this right, many or maybe most will not need intensive 1 to 1 support in school (another story).
We know that autism is a disorder and we were smart to call it Autism Spectrum Disorder. The 'spectrum' part tells us "one size does not fit all". We need to identify as early as possible when a team of specialists can assist in planning an individualized program plan to teach children and families how to treat what may need to be treated and to learn skills to bring order to the disorder. The greatest need will always be to provide a way to enable effective communication, which is a two way exchange remember, and then to teach socially acceptable behaviors/strategies. Now the person with autism will be able to manage to do all the things they have to do in the world of persons without autism! They will always be autistic but it will be more "invisible" and acceptable!
Perhaps those children we feel we have "cured" would have, in the past, have been diagnosed as having autistic tendancies or autistic like behaviors. We treat underlying diseases and we effectively change those behaviors and they are "cured". BRAVO to those who have managed to accomplish this for many children.
Now we must figure out how we can do what needs to be done for those who cannot be 'cured'. This may not be 1 in 150 children anymore but it will always be too many until we effectively address all their needs!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Why Is It Called A Game? It's Serious Business!

Do you do battle regularly with a child who won't eat a healthy variety fo foods? have you found something that helps you win the battles? Please comment below and share with readers ~ perhaps you can help others too.

It is serious business when a child will not eat a healthy diet. Who does not want their child to be healthy and able to learn and play well? So it is, when your child will only eat a few select foods that you worry. You try, but battles make it worse; you are really in a battle for control and unfortunately your child probably likes being in control right!

This is a serious business so you are wondering why I would invent a "game" as a solution. Well, I did invent it but I left the naming up to the 6 year old that I invented it for. He called it a "game" because it was fun! I agreed but with reservations until I realized that GAME could be an anacronym for G et A wesome M eals E veryday! That is serious stuff!

Kids like to have fun, so there you have it! They have fun planning awesome meals everyday using The Eating Game and you have a healthier, happier child who is in control, making good choices having a much more varied diet of foods from all food groups. In fact your child may soon be planning the basics of your family meals and getting everyone eating better! Now that's control! And the real bonus is that hopefully they have developed healthy eating habits that will last a lifetime. Amazing what can happen while you're having fun!

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Eater's Choice Daily Meal Planner

Solutions are often very simple
we miss them in the search!
I have tackled weight loss and not, for what seems like always! I have tried lots of special diets and many worked, while I was on the diet but then....................(if you are reading this you like know how this sentence would end!)
If, like for many, weight is an on going issue then weight loss will be an ongoing issue and a 'weight loss diet' will be for a lifetime. This is not rocket science! My nutrition degree may be helpful but the solution is simple. Like changing any behavior you have to want to do it, persist and be consistent.
So when I created the Eater's Choice Daily Meal Planner it was a simple solution and actually grew from The Eating Game that I had invented for children with eating issues! Eating healthy needs to be a lifetime commitment; starting very young with The Eating Game is a good idea. For some of us, starting young is no longer an option but it is not too late to eat healthy! I have had a healthy diet, just too much of it. You too?? So we also need to be aware of what "a portion or serving" really is.
As I started to say at the beginning, special diets are great but a special diet needs to be a lifetime commitment. Some of those diets are very expensive and specific foods must be eaten - not your choices. Some diets are not very balanced and can only be safely used for a limited time - fast weight loss and then back to your old eating habits - been there, done that!
The Eater's Choice Daily Meal Planner, is just the planner, a blank sheet for you to fill in your choices. It is based on Canada's Food Guide so it does guide you to make good choices for a balanced diet. The copy of Canada's Food guide that is included will help you to understand what a serving size is. This is a plan for a lifetime. You can buy foods you like and buy what is on sale this week. If serving sizes were an issue for you too then you will find, like I did, that eating half as much will also only cost half as much!! Now that is a real bonus these days!
Oh, the other bonus is that The Eater's Choice Daily Meal Planner only costs $10 and you only have to buy it once! The same planner can be used from age 19 - age 50. There is a different one for those of us who are over 50. There is also one for 4 - 8, 9 - 13 and 14 - 18 years of age.
Yes, it is for men too! Have you ever noticed that the ads for weight loss diets are always women? This healthy plan is for men and women and I am encouraged by the men that are buying it!
Yes, it is for teens too! So they can have a long lifetime of healthy eating. They can lose weight now and not have 'weight loss' be a lifetime concern!
I decided I better practice what I preach so that the story I tell could be my own story! So I started using my own Eater's Choice Daily Meal Planner. I am losing weight (slowly but it's for a lifetime so slow is good - it will last!) and my grocery bill is less.
Solutions are often very simple
we miss them in the search!

Monday, June 29, 2009

Time just flies!

I have not been here in awhile, there just doesn't seem to be enough time for everything!
Eyecan Creations was at The Pictou Weekend Market on Saturday and Sunday and met some great folks. We will go back for at least 3 more weekends - July 4 and 18 and August 22. We'll have The Eating Game and The Eater's Choice Daily Meal Planners too. If you can get there you will find a special market price which is very nice. Of course you will also enjoys the other vendors, artisans and crafters and good eats too!
The Eating Game is being used internationally and still is not reaching all corners of Canada but as of yesterday it is soon heading to Nunavut which I am very pleased about! It would be very exciting to maybe heading north one day to do a presentation!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Twittering for The Eating Game

I have been doing a lot of 'tweeting' lately and am enjoying the challenge of making my tweets exactly 140 characters while trying to share what I have learned about children who have significant issues with eating. I also want to mention The Eating Game and the success enjoyed by so many who are using it!

To me whether your child has a diagnosed disorder or not there are some basic issues that need to be addressed. As with any other challenge children face, the earlier the intervention the better. What are some basic considerations for any child who does not eat a healthy variety of foods over a long period of time?

1) Are there any underlying medical or physical reasons for the difficulties with eating?

2) Are there sensory issues? (texture, color, temperature, shape)

3) Does your child have a diagnosed disorder/syndrome that is characterized by a need for predictability, structure and routine?

4) With no diagnosed disorder/syndrome you know from experience that your child functions better when there is structure, routine and predictability in their environment.

With the help of doctors, occupational therapists and pediatric feeding clinics you have hopefully ruled out numbers 1 and 2 above or discussed interventions that will help your child.

If you have ruled out numbers 1 and 2 it might be helpful to consider the implications of numbers 3 or 4 as related to mealtime. For many family members mealtime is often a time of surprises. Some food for thought................................

If a diagnosed disorder/syndrome also involves a delay in social skill development and their ability to be able to interact in social situations, think about how unpredictable mealtimes can be when you consider the social dynamics in a family at mealtime! Put this altogether and for my money you have a situation where the child is going to look for ways to be in control in whatever way they can be. They may remove themselves from the family table and prefer to eat alone. As a parent this would not be your first choice but if this is the only way your child will eat a meal it becomes an acceptable choice. Also, if your child will only eat a select number of foods, this also becomes acceptable in order to make sure they are eating something!

I have more thoughts about this that I will address here soon............................................

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Autisable & Darryl Strawberry Foundation

I was surfing the net yesterday and came across an interesting site called "Autisable". I decided it looked interesting enough to join so I did! The next thing I knew I was setting up a weblog - another avenue for me to let folks know about The Eating Game! Today I had several requests from folks wanting to be friends, follow each other. I want to now tell you about one of those requests..........................

It was from Darryl Strawberry, as a request to be a friend of his foundation. Not being a sports fan I didn't know who he was so I checked it out. I am glad I did and urge you to go to his website . There is a story to read; not about a ball player, but about a man who is and will surely continue to make a difference in the autism community! The story is about a man who found his way after a long struggle and has now made it his life's mission to make a difference in the lives of those struggling with autism. I am sure his foundation WILL make a difference in their journeys to being their personal best. BRAVO DARRYL! and thank you. I will follow the development of his foundation as I am sure many others will too.

Friday, June 12, 2009

Why The Eating Game?

The Eating Game was created as my response to a friend asking for "HELP!" She needed help for her son Ethan who was a six year old with autism. I knew Ethan well and I understood her frustrations and his with regards to his diet!

She felt that with a nutrition degree,my experience and passion for autism and my creative abilities that perhaps I could suggest a solution. This was not the first time I pondered a solution for helping kids who had eating issues.

Working as a special education teacher for 20 years, as an autism consultant and early interventionist after retiring from teaching, I saw so much need for intervention for children and their eating habits.

We know how important early intervention is for children who are experiencing difficulties of any kind - diet should be no exception! It would appear for most families once a baby is no longer nursing or drinking formula/milk and eating baby foods they are for the most part encouraged to eat what older family members eat and understandably copy adult behaviors when it comes to eating - not always a good plan!

In our efforts to teach children skills for independence we need to pay more attention to teaching them to make good food choices and to learn appropriate portion sizes. In Canada we have an ideal example of how to do this teaching - CANADA'S FOOD GUIDE! And it is free for the asking! It made sense to me to begin with this excellent resource, which is very similar to health recommendations in other countries.

I initially created The Eating Game for 1 child with autism. With it's immediate success I knew I had something that would be beneficial to many more children with autism. Indeed it has been that and much more as many other children have fun using it and improving their eating habits! Of course this is wonderful for today but more importantly it is hopefully the beginning of a lifetime of healthy eating!

Saturday, May 30, 2009

So Much News!
There has been so much new happening at EYECAN CREATIONS Publications that I decided to look for as many opportunities as I can to let everyone know! So here we are with a new BLOG! I hope you'll keep coming back to see what is happening and feel free to forward news of the site to anyone you think may be interested. I look forward to being here writing on a regular basis and reading lots of comments. Your comments on products you have used or ideas you have about them or for new products will always be appreciated!
If you haven't already checked out the new website at please do when you have a few minutes and tell anyone who you think might be interested.
Do you Twitter? If not check it out ......................very neat! I am loving it and the challenge of creating tweets exactly 140 characters!
Enjoy it all
and do bookmark us
and come back!

Eater's Choice Daily Meal Planners

The Eater's Choice Daily Meal Planners were created in response to requests made by adults (parents of children using The Eating Game, family and friends) who wanted a form of The Eating Game to help them plan healthier daily meals. Pictures were not needed but rather a way to record a plan or foods being eaten every day.

This reusable format, a double sided dry erasable planner provides a suggestion for 6 meals a day with the recommended servings of each food group in Canada's Food Guide for each of 8 age groups: 4 - 8 years, 9 - 13 years, Females and Males: 14 - 18, 19 - 50 and 51+.

Each package contains 1 planner, a copy of Canada's Food Guide, an information and instruction sheet and a dry erasble pen.

It is a good thing! It will help the user focus on eating healthy foods as well as on serving sizes, as each colored shape represents 1 serving. It will help us to eat healthier and to lose, gain or maintain an already healthy weight. The user is in control of the food choices.

At on the Resources Page you can access and print a list of food suggestions for each of the four food groups: Fruit and Vegetables, Grains, Meats and Alternatives, Milk and Alternatives. There is also a Weekly Planning Sheet that could be used as a grocery list!

The Eating Game

The cover of The Eating Game has a new look!

The Eating Game is now available in three languages:
English, French and Mi'kmaq.

We hope it will be possible to do more translations in the future.

Our new cover will better represent children of different Ethnic

and First Nations Communities.

Home of The Eating Game and more!


We have been very busy in the past year and a half creating
The Eating Game and Eater's Choice Daily Meal Planner.
We produce these products in New Glasgow, Nova Scotia, a small town in Pictou County in Northeastern Nova Scotia.

You can learn much more about both products and purchase them at We will also keep you informed of present and new retail outlets where purchases can be made.

We will be committed to creating and publishing visual support materials for specific needs. It is our hope that the products we sell will enable the users to be more independent while improving their health and enhancing the quality of their daily lives.

We would hope that it would be possible to create materials to meet individual needs as requested.