Saturday, June 13, 2009

Autisable & Darryl Strawberry Foundation

I was surfing the net yesterday and came across an interesting site called "Autisable". I decided it looked interesting enough to join so I did! The next thing I knew I was setting up a weblog - another avenue for me to let folks know about The Eating Game! Today I had several requests from folks wanting to be friends, follow each other. I want to now tell you about one of those requests..........................

It was from Darryl Strawberry, as a request to be a friend of his foundation. Not being a sports fan I didn't know who he was so I checked it out. I am glad I did and urge you to go to his website . There is a story to read; not about a ball player, but about a man who is and will surely continue to make a difference in the autism community! The story is about a man who found his way after a long struggle and has now made it his life's mission to make a difference in the lives of those struggling with autism. I am sure his foundation WILL make a difference in their journeys to being their personal best. BRAVO DARRYL! and thank you. I will follow the development of his foundation as I am sure many others will too.

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